Time and time again, we're told that the government (public schools included) need more money to fix the problems. If money was the answer, Minneapolis public schools would be one of the top-performing schools in our state. Narrowing the focus to just White Bear Lake and the nearby areas, you can see that we are outspending many neighboring districts while producing below-average test scores.
Over the summer, I was speaking with a local resident who claimed taxpayers had been starving the district for years, but that's far from the truth. According to the Office of Elementary & Secondary Education, ISD 624 averages a per pupil expenditure of $13,322 (source: https://oese.ed.gov/ppe/minnesota/). That far surpasses any private school tuition in the area.
The real issues are discipline and personal responsibility. Instead of ensuring students have learning environments that are safe and free from excessive distractions, the administration and school board fuel the flames of social justice. We can no longer expect students to control their own behavior or take ownership of their learning. A quick review of recent policy changes reflects the continued bigotry of low expectations.
We can't change the results of the recent elections, but we can stand up and speak out. Educate yourself and others by attending board meetings, reading the district policies, and reviewing annual reports. Our students deserve a better education and taxpayers deserve a better return on their investment.